The 10 possible criteria in HTA – 10 tips

By Prof. Dr. Lieven Annemans, expert-trainer of the courses 
Health Economics for Non-Health-Economists and Critical New HTA Developments in Europe: Challenges & Solutions

The below 2 slides are extracted from Lieven’s HTA course.

Often, when preparing a case for an HTA, only economic factors are taken into account. However, HTA bodies also highly value the best scientific evidence on the medical, social, and ethical implications of investments in health care. 
Depending on the country, HTAs can address up to 10 criteria that influence payer decision making! Some of these are obvious, while others are not always considered or left out for practical reasons. The below slides offer a tip for each of the criteria.

To fully understand the value of and the decision making processes behind HTAs, to learn more about all 10 criteria and the optimal models for HTA, and to discover solutions to common problems... attend Lieven’s course!

The 10 possible criteria in HTA – 10 tips (1)
The 10 possible criteria in HTA – 10 tips (2)



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